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LeCycl22: Delivering Sensing Technologies for Education and Learning

Call for Participation

Key Dates:

Submission Deadline: August 17, 2022 End of Day Anywhere on Earth

Notification of Acceptance: August 25, 2022 (Updated)

Camera-ready Deadline: September 2, 2022

Workshop at Ubicomp/ISWC: September 15, 2022


Where to Submit: (Society: SIGCHI -> Conference Ubicomp/ISWC 2022 -> Track: Track:UbiComp/ISWC 2022 Workshop: Delivering Sensing Tech for Edu&L)

Length of Submission (Updated from double-column to single-column):


6 pages recommended maximum length. Single-Column format.

We will accept papers of any length, given that the impact of the contribution is appropriate for the length. This includes both shorter papers (2-3 pages), and those that are longer. 

 - If appendices are needed, please include them. However, they may not be included in the camera-ready version. 

Required File Type and Template: 

Please submit a PDF. The template is required to be the ACM sigconf template ( You can use either the Word template or the LaTeX template (Overleaf support is linked on the page). 

Please note, for those who use LaTeX, please set the document class to: \documentclass[manuscript,screen,review]{acmart}

Review Process: 


Submissions will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee. Submissions should not be anonymized.


Archival Information:  

Accepted submissions will have inclusion in the ACM Digital Library and supplemental proceedings of the conference. 



Questions about submissions can be sent to

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