LeCycl22: Delivering Sensing Technologies for Education and Learning
Call for Participation
Key Dates:
Submission Deadline: August 17, 2022 End of Day Anywhere on Earth
Notification of Acceptance: August 25, 2022 (Updated)
Camera-ready Deadline: September 2, 2022
Workshop at Ubicomp/ISWC: September 15, 2022
Where to Submit:
https://new.precisionconference.com/submissions (Society: SIGCHI -> Conference Ubicomp/ISWC 2022 -> Track: Track:UbiComp/ISWC 2022 Workshop: Delivering Sensing Tech for Edu&L)
Length of Submission (Updated from double-column to single-column):
6 pages recommended maximum length. Single-Column format.
We will accept papers of any length, given that the impact of the contribution is appropriate for the length. This includes both shorter papers (2-3 pages), and those that are longer.
- If appendices are needed, please include them. However, they may not be included in the camera-ready version.
Required File Type and Template:
Please submit a PDF. The template is required to be the ACM sigconf template (https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template). You can use either the Word template or the LaTeX template (Overleaf support is linked on the page). ​
Please note, for those who use LaTeX, please set the document class to: \documentclass[manuscript,screen,review]{acmart}
Review Process:
Submissions will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee. Submissions should not be anonymized.
Archival Information:
Accepted submissions will have inclusion in the ACM Digital Library and supplemental proceedings of the conference.
Questions about submissions can be sent to lecycl22@gmail.com