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LeCycl22: Delivering Sensing Technologies for Education and Learning

2022 Ubicomp/ISWC Workshop

Pervasive and ubiquitous sensing technologies have been frequently leveraged in experimental settings within the Ubicomp, ISWC, and HCI community. In the recent past, we have seen advances in the use of ubiquitous sensing technologies to understand and support learning. Recent work investigated a wide range of education-related

technologies that detect attention, postures, behaviors, and emotions.


However, the promise of delivering these technologies to potential users en-masse remains difficult to fulfill. At this time it is important to understand the factors hindering the use of these technologies, to critically evaluate methodologies for technological development, and to discuss in what ways developed technologies can be safely delivered to students. In this workshop, we bring together experts from the fields of ubiquitous and pervasive computing, HCI, and education to discuss and develop an agenda for moving sensing technologies for learning and education from research

to practice.


This workshop will be hybrid. The in-person attendance will be at the Ubicomp/ISWC Cambridge Venue. Submission of early-stage research, position papers, and case-studies are encourage. Please see the Topics and Submission pages. An accepted submission is not required for attendance. Registration via Ubicomp/ISWC is required. 


Key Dates (Updated)

Submission Deadline: August 17, 2022 End of Day Anywhere on Earth

Notification of Acceptance: August 25, 2022 AoE (Updated)

Camera-ready Deadline: September 2, 2022

Workshop at Ubicomp/ISWC: September 15, 2022 

© 2023 LeCycl

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